Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We all have a "fatty" in our family

Its impressive how people look at fat people like if they were aliens, how companies discriminate against "big" people more than for gender,color or race. Being fat means that you most definitely will represent a lot of sick days and the famous "fat people are lazy" Fraze when in most cases professionals who are fat have either become fat by working TOOO much or by working too much and/or by some medical condition.

Sadly the "Civil Rights Act of 1964 was instrumental in preventing discrimination against people of color, it doesn't protect against weight discrimination.The Rehabilitation Act (1973) and Americans With Disabilities Act (1990) offer some protection against discriminating against employees with disabilities, including obesity." (

Currently there are many programs for discrimination against gender,race, and/or age discrimination yet the only major organism that its working hard day by day on weight discrimination its the Council on Size and Weight Discrimination is working hard day by day to end discrimination against big people. PLEASE HELP THEM WITH THIS CAUSE AND DONATE YOUR TIME AND MONEY TO HELP END DISCRIMINATION AGAINST BIG PEOPLE....

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